Made easy


#192: Are You Embracing the “Visionary Role” In Your Business?

January 3, 2018

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Biggest Takeaways You Don’t Want to Miss:

As you listen to me figure out what I really want to be as a leader I want you thinking about this for yourself, and how you can implement these three steps and transform your business in the next year. Being intentional about setting my vision for each year has shifted the way I think about my business, and I want the same for you! Let’s start to work those visionary muscles

Check out these highlights:

  • See how one of my favorite TV characters inspired my theme. [1:54]
  • How this all started with a simple quiz on an airplane ride. [6:58]
  • One person I definitely look up to as the iconic visionary leader. [10:46]
  • How to find your own visionary role model. [13:00]
  • Being real and vulnerable doesn’t necessarily clash with being professional. [13:52]
  • When your image online takes over your real-life identity. And how to prevent it. [17:38]
  • How to actually manifest your vision. [21:22]

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There’s a reason “made easy” is literally the title!

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