Made easy


#266: The Little Known (Easier Than You Think) Copywriting Method That Boosts Conversions

June 6, 2019

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Writing copy can be tough. So tough. I wrote ALL my own copy for years, and while it did slowly get easier, I wish I’d known then what I know now about how to make the words flow.

My friend and copywriter, Ry Schwartz, taught me that effective copy isn’t about coercing people into buying from you — it’s about transforming their BELIEFS.

Helping someone go from disempowered to confident — that with your help, they can reach their goals — requires a fundamental shift in perception.

YOU, as the business owner and chief copywriter (even if you don’t see yourself as that!) are responsible for understanding the shift that needs to happen and as Ry calls it, Coaching the Conversion.

I’m so excited to share this method with you on today’s podcast episode because I wholeheartedly believe that great copy is an essential part of creating a thriving online business.

After this episode, you will walk away with golden nuggets that will help you transform your next promotion. I even share one of my best converting ads and break it all down for you step-by-step.

Coaching the Conversion Method in 4 Steps:
  1. [10:34] Shift your mindset about how you feel about being a copywriter. Look at copywriting as a means to coach your ideal customer through a transformation by using words that make them feel seen and heard.
  2. [13:47] Know your ideal customer avatar like you know your best friend. Sometimes you have to read between the lines and know-your-customer intimately. Clearly understand their pain points, desires, and what makes them tick.
  3. [17:42] Use their words. It's important that you reflect back to them what they are feeling and what they are saying. Keep a running list of words and phrases that they use. These are pure gold for copywriters.
  4. [19:24] Remember that coaching the conversion walks your potential customer along the path from where they are now to where they could be or where they want to be. The first part of the path is your weekly content then you move on to coaching opportunities inside a webinar. Then send post follow-up emails.

A Concrete Example from One of My Highest Converting Facebook Ads:

Click here to listen now!

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Listener Spotlight of the Week

Well Entrepreneur with sparkles, first of all, love your name. Thank you so much for being a part of my community. Being a loyal listener to the podcast and taking it up a notch in joining Digital Course Academy®️. I am delighted that you are part of our community inside of that course, as well. So shout out to you. Keep moving forward and doing what you're doing to reach those big bold goals that you've set for yourself.

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