Made easy


#284: The Better Buzz Strategy to Boost Engagement in Your Facebook Group with Dana Malstaff

October 10, 2019

On today's podcast, I've brought on Dana Malstaff, founder of Boss Mom and community creator extraordinaire. Dana is the queen of creating next level group engagement and she is not holding back on dropping knowledge bombs about how to keep your Facebook group engaged.

Listen on…

If you have a community (free or paid) then you know ENGAGEMENT is the #1 metric for your success.

Nobody wants to show up in a room full of crickets, right? Don't worry about those crickets because today you're going to learn how to boost engagement with just six simple Facebook posts that you can immediately incorporate into your content calendar.  

Now, whether you have an official Facebook group or not, I want you to pay close attention because I have a feeling once you see just how powerful a Facebook group can be for your business and how it can provide a central hub where you can nurture and wow your community you'll be ready to get your own Facebook group up and running,

On today's podcast, I've brought on Dana Malstaff, founder of Boss Mom and community creator extraordinaire.

Dana is the queen of creating next level group engagement and she is not holding back on dropping knowledge bombs about how to keep your Facebook group engaged.

Dana's Facebook Group “Buzz Strategy” has helped her create one of the most engaged communities I’ve ever heard of (70% monthly engagement with 40k members — say what?!).

Her “Buzz Strategy” has two purposes.
  1. To create engagement so that Facebook thinks you are super cool and starts organically showing you to more people (and the right people)
  2. It allows you to drive the conversation in a sly (but authentic) way that gets people saying ‘how are you in my head…I was just thinking about how I needed that' when you launch. 

Dana's strategy, which she goes over in detail, is an actual 6-week plan of things you post in your Facebook group, but the tactics she shares can also be used ongoing. 

So get your pen out and get ready to take some notes as you listen to today's show.

In case you want to jump right to a certain strategy, here's the rundown:

The six types of posts to boost engagement in your Facebook group: 

  • [29:49] The first type of buzz-worthy post is a Decision Post. This post helps your community provide an answer to a simple question you ask to help you make a decision. This type of post is easy for people to engage, and the post stays front and center on your page because the engagement keeps it there. You should be doing one of these a week.
  • [34:47] The second type of buzz-worthy post is an Opinion Post where you ask people what their opinion is. People LOVE to give their opinion. Some examples might be: What are your favorite podcasts? Favorite blogs to read? The intel you receive will give you priceless insight about your ICA but also information on who to possibley collaborate with. 
  • [37:37] The third type of buzz-worthy post is a Permission Post which is a post that creates a sense of community and belonging. This is where you may share a story to help your audience feel like they aren’t alone.
  • [41:24] The fourth type of buzz-worthy post is the Can't Help Themselves Post. This is a post where you get to brag a little and ask for a little joint celebration for something you've achieved in your business or life. For example, you may tell your audience that you just landed a  dream client and ask them to celebrate by dropping a GIF in the comments. 
  • [46:43] The fifth type of buzz-worthy post is the Ask Post. This is where you consistently tell people what you do and what you sell. This may seem obvious but so many people forget about it and it's important.  
  • [49:04] The sixth type of buzz-worthy post is the Authority Post. The easiest way to get authority is to get featured on other people's podcasts. This is one of THE best ways to build your authority and to grow your following. 

Dana covers so much more in the episode. The first 20 minutes alone are pure gold, so tune in now and get started applying these strategies in your Facebook communities!

Click here to listen now!

This episode is sponsored by my Free Masterclass all about list building. If you've struggled with list building or you are not actively growing your email list, this class is for you. You know, everything in your business is easier when you have an email list. If you want to know what it takes to create a list building foundation from scratch, this step-by-step masterclass is for you. 

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