Made easy


#563: How To Drop The Guilt When Saying “No”

April 18, 2023

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Why entrepreneurs like Brendon Burchard, Jenna Kutcher & Jamie Kern Lima say “No” more than “Yes”

One of the most important skills for a business owner is their ability to say “No” to ideas, opportunities, and offers that are out of alignment with their mission.

Now, I’ll be honest — this is much harder than it sounds, and it’s something that I’ve really struggled with over the years. 

As a notorious people-pleaser, I’ve said “yes” to doing things that I don’t want to do because I feel guilty saying no. Not to mention, when you’re a new entrepreneur (and you don’t have a ton of opportunities coming your way to begin with), it can be even harder to turn things down.

There’s a quote I love by author Alain de Botton that says, “What kills us isn't one big thing, but thousands of tiny obligations we can't turn down for fear of disappointing others.

This, sweet friend, could not be more true. And the good news is, I have a really simple exercise that you can do to determine which opportunities are a “Heck yes!” and those you can politely decline — and it all comes down to asking yourself a single question. 

It’s the same question that some of the most brilliant entrepreneurs out there – like Brendon Burchard, Jenna Kutcher, and Jamie Kern Lima – have used to evaluate what opportunities to embrace, and which ones to pass on. 

In this episode, you’ll hear what that question is, along with:  

  • How you can get crystal clear on your mission (and stay aligned with it)
  • What to do when you feel guilty for saying “No” to things
  • Why NOT returning a favor is 100% OK

Whether you’re just getting started in business or are a seasoned entrepreneur, this is a great listen – so get comfy and press play on this episode!

Here’s a glance at this episode…

  • [03:22] It's important to learn the power to confidently say no and put your ego and FOMO aside.
  • [05:16] Connection and freedom can be created by saying no in a loving and respectful way. It shows that we know what we stand for and who we are.
  • [08:21] Get crystal clear and then use your mission and goals as a filter to decide whether you should say yes or no.
  • [11:10] If you ever hear yourself thinking you don't have time to do things in your business, start evaluating where you've said yes to things out of fear.
  • [13:00] You don't want to be transactional or a taker, but only say yes when it's a good fit. Give back where it feels appropriate and where it feels.
  • [15:49] Send me a DM @AmyPorterfield on Instagram and tell me your mission or goal.

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