Made easy


#569: Embracing The Cringe: The Cultural Movement That’s All About Owning The Most Awkward Parts Of Yourself

May 9, 2023

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Sharing something you used to find embarrassing is now the norm — here’s how it can benefit you in business

There’s an image that’s been circulating the internet that shows a picture of a cow with the caption “I am cringe but I am free.” Have you seen it?

While at first glance this appears to be your silly run-of-the-mill internet meme, its message is actually much deeper than that — and I’ll be honest, I’m here for it.

This meme is all about embracing the things about yourself that make you want to cringe, all of the experiences you’ve been too embarrassed to share, and all of those little quirks and idiosyncrasies that have traditionally been looked at as ‘uncool.’

Yes, sweet friend. There’s been a huge cultural shift towards letting go of what other people think of you and learning to love those weird parts of yourself that you’ve been taught to shun by society. 

I can tell you from experience that there’s a huge sense of relief and freedom that comes from letting go of caring about what others think, especially when you’re the face of your business like I am. 

In this episode, I explore this idea of living alongside the cringe — what it means, and the many ways that it can help you thrive in life, and in business. 

So if you’ve ever been afraid to show up as yourself and do what makes you happy, then this episode is for you, sweet friend. Happy listening! 

Here’s a glance at this episode…

  • [02:35] Have you ever done anything so awkward, embarrassing, or cringe-worthy that you could barely stand it?
  • [04:24] Recently I've noticed that more and more people online are embracing the cringe.
  • [05:32] Embracing the cringe is like a commentary of how people are choosing to live their lives after the pandemic. They’re bringing their quirks with them for the whole world to see.
  • [06:18] Showing up as yourself online can help you create a stronger and more supportive community.
  • [09:08] If you find yourself not taking action because of what others might think, stop and ask yourself what's the worst that can happen. 
  • [09:58] Anything that has the potential to bring you joy in life and in business also runs the risk of being totally cringe, and that's okay.
  • [10:35] DM me @AmyPorterfield and share something you did that was cringe but moved you forward and made you happier.

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