Made easy


#586: Beyond Pay and Perks: How to Build a Team that Stays for the Long Haul

July 5, 2023

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The secret to creating a loyal team that’s fiercely engaged and motivated

I honest-to-God cannot believe that I have over 20 employees on my team. It seems like just yesterday that I hired my first VA! 

Building a team takes time, patience, and a willingness to learn as you figure out what works best for you and your employees. For me, it’s been quite the journey – but one that’s been well worth it, because today I have a team that is deeply committed to our company’s vision and values.

I’ll be honest — seeing them build upon the foundations of my business, all while bringing their own unique strengths and skills to the table, has truly been one of my proudest accomplishments. 

And because I know how much each and every one of them offers, it is a priority for me to make sure that they feel valued, respected, and challenged in the best way possible.

In this episode, I explore strategies and best practices that have worked for me in creating a team that’s in it for the long haul. 

You’ll hear: 

  • The internal structure I use to make sure that my team feels empowered 
  • The mentality that’s helped foster a level of trust and respect 
  • What I do to make every employee feel special, seen, and appreciated
  • Why I treat my employees like humans, not family
  • How to know if you’re the problem, or if a team member is the problem

Plus much, much more! This is a great listen for anyone who aspires to build a team, whether you’re a solopreneur looking to hire your first VA, or a CEO of a large company. Enjoy!

Here’s a glance at this episode…

  • [05:46] Building a loyal team is a journey. Seeing my team come together has been one of my proudest moments.
  • [06:55] I think of my team members as intrapreneurs as opposed to employees.
  • [07:30] Each department has a director responsible for hitting quarterly goals. How they accomplish these goals is up to them.
  • [08:32] Don't be afraid to let your team take the reins and see what they can do.
  • [10:16] I treat my team like human beings and encourage them to bring their whole selves to work. 
  • [11:43] Building loyalty begins from day one. On their first day, I send team members flowers and a set of my favorite business books. 
  • [13:05] The director sends a welcome message, and we have a team introduction. They also get their birthdays off and have a personal development budget.
  • [15:35] When you have a loyal team, they will rally around you when someone else misses the mark.

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