Made easy


#250: How to Create a 3-Month Content Calendar (The Step-by-Step Process)

February 14, 2019

The quality and consistency of your content directly correlate to the growth of your business. Answering the question, "How do I create all that content?"

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You’ve heard it before, right? Content is KING.

That is certainly true and I’ll be the first to tell you that the quality and consistency of your content directly correlate to the growth of your email list AND your bank account.

The operative word in that last sentence was consistency. Without consistency when it comes to your content creation, content is not king.

You probably know that I just recently launched my new course, Digital Course Academy®️, and I can guarantee that if you ask any of my students what the ONE thing that I’m a stickler about…they will tell you that I want them creating consistent content on a weekly basis.

The reason why I’m such a stickler about this is that In order for you to have a thriving online business, you’ve got to create consistent content in order to attract your tribe. Once you’ve attracted your tribe and they’re paying attention, that’s when you build the “know, like, and trust” factor. And once they know, like, and trust you, they will likely buy from you.

Creating consistent content on a weekly basis is NOT always easy and it takes time, however, it’s a clear step that, should you commit to, will pay dividends in the success of your business.

The question is: how do you make sure this weekly content gets done?

You create a content plan. And I can help you with that!

In fact, in this episode, I go over these three things:

  1. A foolproof plan to create consistent content, that will leave you feeling confident, excited and inspired
  2. My top 5 favorite ways to choose topics that your Ideal Customer Avatar will want to eat up immediately (You’re going to find these VERY useful!)
  3. I’ll tell you all about the 3-Month Content Calendar Template I created for you to keep all your content organized. I’ve got it all laid out in a spreadsheet that you can take and make your own. All you have to do is follow the prompts and fill in the blanks and you’ll be good to go! You can download the calendar here!

Click here to listen to the episode now.

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